Saturday 20 February 2010

Well. Here goes.

This has all happened a LOT quicker than I thought it would. Through some bizarre twist of fate, the people I lunched with on this fine Saturday afternoon, must surreptitiously have sensed my underlying mood of procrastination.

So, the plan is this: I am going to live on 2 dollars a day. Which isn't a lot, considering I just bought a latte yesterday for £2.1o, so I'm thinking this actually might be quite tricky.

But it's all got to be ethically sourced, Fair Trade or locally produced. And I'm going to try and do this for a week and see how I get on. Do you grow your own spuds? I want to hear from you. You can be my friend.


  1. Well done you. Looks great. I have posted about you in the hope that a few will join you!

  2. Sorry. Would love to join you but the thought of all those baked beans. . .! However, you can come to lunch on Sunday FOR FREE and we'll feed you enough to get through the next week!
    Oh and by the way - your Blog has now officially 'got clout'! K & P

  3. Hey... thanks David... I certainly did need a gentle kick! You are the anti-procrastinator. Everyone should have a friend like you.

  4. Why, thank you kindly Clout. That's lovely of you - I'll be hungry by mid-week but I'll definitely look forward to joining you for sunday lunch.

    : )
